取消旅行, 旅遊保險都有得賠?

如果您已經預訂了假期的機票及行程相關活動,那麼您最不想做的一件事就是 取消旅行。如果確實發生了最壞的情況,那麼您可以在何時以及如何從旅行保險中獲得退款?

什麼是 取消旅行 / 行程 (Cancellation)?


  • 根據執業醫師的命令,您和/或認為您不適合旅行的旅伴的意外死亡,疾病或受傷
  • 非旅行家庭成員的住院或死亡
  • 天氣或公共承運人相關問題(因政策而異)
  • 在家或目的地發生無法預料的自然災害
  • 法律義務,例如被要求出任陪審員或在法庭上作為證人出庭



Journey Cancellation

We will reimburse you up to the Maximum Benefit stated in the Schedule of Benefits for the cost of accommodation, basic tour fees, and visas for the journey paid by you and for which you are legally liable and which are not recoverable from any other source consequent upon the cancellation of the journey necessitated by the occurrence of any of the following, within the period of ninety (90) days before the scheduled departure date of the journey (except for sub-paragraphs 3, 4 and 5 below): 1. Death or serious injury or serious sickness of you, your immediate family member, close business partner, traveling companion or a relative or friend living abroad who you had planned to stay with for the majority of your journey; 2. Witness summons, jury service or compulsory quarantine of you; 3. Your redundancy within the period of one (1) week before the scheduled departure date of the journey, providing you had been working at your current place of employment for a minimum continuous period of two (2) years, and that at the date and time you purchased this insurance cover or the time you purchased the accommodation, basic tour or visa, whichever is the later, you had no reason to believe that you would be made redundant. This cover does not apply if you are self-employed or accepts voluntary redundancy or to payments made after you were made aware of the redundancy;



如果你已經去旅行,但由於緊急情況需要縮短行程 ,你可以根據你的縮減索賠。您的申請將基於您未使用的假期,而不是您的整個假期。




  • 如果您旅行伴侶或親屬有嚴重傷害或生病
  • 如果旅行伴侶或親戚死亡
  • 如果你必須去法院,或被要求出任陪審員
  • 如果您必須在出發日期後48小時內因發生火災,洪水或入室盜竊之後留在家中,或者如果您在外出時發生這種情況
  • 如果您或您的一方在您出售保單後懷孕,或者醫生建議您不應該因懷孕並發症而旅行


什麼不包括保障範圍內 (Exclusion)?


  • 與您未在保單中聲明的已存在的醫療狀況相關的索賠
  • 由您在購買保單之前了解的情況引起的索賠,例如親屬的疾病
  • 與機場稅或航空旅客稅有關的任何費用
  • 提出索賠需要支付的額外費用




  • 取消發票和任何未使用的機票
  • 如果您因死亡,疾病或受傷而取消旅行,請提供醫療文件
  • 任何其他支持您的索賠的文件


[相關文章]: Delay no more! 航班延誤: 旅遊保險 claim 唔到?