
4招教你如何免費在 Airbnb Early Check In 提早入住民宿?

***留意,在註冊或使用 Airbnb 訂房時請參考文章: 「必讀」Airbnb 最黑暗之中伏位:無理取消戶口,以免得不償失 ***

好多時大家預算問題而訂一些時間較差的機票,以至很早就到達當地,但是Airbnb民宿一般要2:00 才能入住,若要 在 airbnb early check in 的話,host 有機會要收多50% 額外住宿費,如果不想多付額外費用,在這段時間空隙真的很難受,又要帶著行李箱又要照顧一家大細,食早餐又食不到這麼久…… 其實大家動下腦細胞,可以嘗嘗要求屋主 提早入住 early check in, 當然是需要技巧啦! 等小編講解下啦!


提醒一下,如果是第一次使用Airbnb的旅客,別忘 按此 註冊以享有Airbnb新帳號優惠,大約可享有$210的折扣!

Image result for airbnb early check in

Airbnb Early Check In 提早入住 4大重點

1. 住宿期越長越有機會

如果住多過一星期,屋住一般不會介意給你早一點 check in,因為他不用擔心單住沒有人租。相反,如果只租一至兩日,屋主未到最後一個星期都未必會考慮,因為他們會失去前一日的收入。


If they’re staying for a week or 2 then, personally, I’d be inclined to offer an early check in for free.

However, if the booking is only for a couple of days then I’d charge something because, effectively, that means you can’t accept a guest for the previous night.

2. 只要求提早寄存行李

如果你早到當地又不用訓覺休息,大可建議屋主讓你提早寄存行李,這樣你可以放下行李去吃早餐及觀光,而屋主又不用失去半日租金,等2:00pm 再回去check in,這樣做就 win win !

The other option we offer is the opportunity to drop off their bags early and then they can go shopping or go to an art gallery, cafe etc and come back at 2pm for the check in – that’s assuming you can be there at both 9am and 2pm!

3. 留意屋主  Schedule



i would not charge extra if my schedule allows it. i think as a host it makes no difference if the room is already available, but as a traveler it could be a big relief to be able to drop off the luggages upon arrival.

4. 主動提出給予好評,以達至 Win Win



As for guests requesting an early check-in, I suggest you only do it if the apartment is ready and if it is convenient for you. I can’t count the number of times guests have requested this then arrived after the regular check-in time. Also, guests rarely comment in reviews to say thank you for the early check-in.