Agoda ” A級機密價 ” 之謎? 酒店名稱破解密技大公開!
A級機密價 簡單來說就是你在 Agoda 訂完(刷卡付費後)某一區域的房間後,才知道訂到哪一間飯店,如何可以破解酒店名稱? 這個讓小編教大家一個小技巧啦! 首先來看一下Agoda 官方 A級機密價 的預訂政策:
很多大城市像是 東京/大阪/曼谷/首爾/上海/馬尼拉 都有五星飯店的A級機密價
A級機密價 酒店名稱破解密技大公開
Step 1: 進入
Step 2: 輸入三個找飯店房間的資訊 ,包括 目的城市、旅遊日期,然後按 Search
Step 3: “自訂排序方式” 按” 尋寶 🔦”,所有 A級機密價 就會列在最高位置
Step 4: 點進去心儀的酒店價格看:
Step 5: 重點來了,想找出葫蘆裡到底是哪一家飯店,就必須把中間地方的“XXXX+篇住宿評鑑” 、“地區”、“評分”、”星級” 記下來,例如這間酒店是250+篇住宿評鑑,9+評分,3星級。當然最好把下方的價錢也順便記一下,用作比價之用!
Step 6: 返回之前酒店列表的網頁,只要在左方的過濾工具按記下來的資料選取合適內容:
你就會找到最近依的一間酒店! 以下例子中,只有兩間酒店有9+分,而只要第一間 御宿野乃旅館 – 難波 (Onyado Nono Namba Natural Hot Spring) 是有250+篇住宿評鑑,所以好容易就會找到該機密酒店! 價錢上亦有分別。以這間3星級酒店來說,每種房型便宜了HKD100左右! 當然,五星級酒店會更多折扣! 省下這些錢又可以拿來吃喝坐的士!
A級機密價 重點重温
題外話,為外減價要這麼神秘? 以下引用 的英文解釋:-
So why does it have to be so secretive?
Hotels are usually reluctant to offer cheap hotel rooms in the open, as a cheap room rate visible to anyone can be damaging to the hotel’s brand. It might also lead to increased price competition between hotels in the area, where the different hotels try lower their prices in order to attract customers, which of course is not an ideal situation for the hotels.
It is also hard for the hotels to offer open discounts to just one Online Travel Agent (OTA), as other OTAs are eager to keep prices at the same level as their competitors.
When being able to sell their rooms without showing the hotel’s name it is thus easier for the hotel to offer bigger discounts, since the name and location of the hotel is only revealed to customers after the booking and transaction has been made.Of course, as the hotels are willing to give what in some cases are really huge discounts to their customers there are of course some limitations set by the hotels in return. Most of the hotels choose to operate with a strong cancellation policy limited to the Secret Sale plan, which means that the chances are high you will have to pay the total amount of the booking even if you decide to cancel or are unable to show up at the hotel no matter the reason. Although this means that there is a higher risk for the customer it can be argued that it is fair to the hotel, that is willing to offer a stay at a significantly reduced price and thus minimum or no profit.
Also be aware that there of course might be a reason behind the hotel being willing to give such a significant discount in the first place. As you probably understand no hotel would be willing to give discounts if they were able to sell all their rooms at full price in the first place. Although the participation requirements from Agoda’s side ensure that the hotel holds a certain standard, the hotel might for instance be located at an inconvenient location. It might be low season, or the particular hotel might be losing customers to a competitor that recently opened in the area.
It might also be that the hotel simply want to fill up as many rooms as possible. Even during more popular times of the year some hotels are looking for a “plus alpha” increase in occupancy rate, as it is better for the hotel to sell an extra room at a discounted price than simply not being able to fill the room for that one night (hotel rooms come with a “best before” date, as today’s unsold rooms cannot be sold tomorrow).